Videos, Teachings, Interviews & Global Healing Meditations with Cynthia Jurs
A selection of resources to inspire the practice of Sacred Activism
for global healing and respond to Gaia’s call

Podcasts 2024-2025

Caring for the Earth (with Cynthia Jurs) | E55

Join us for an inspiring conversation about Cynthia’s new memoir “Summoned By the Earth“. She shares how Earth Treasure Vases are a form of acupuncture for the Earth; designed to bring elemental imbalances into harmony in places that need healing and protection. 

Cynthia’s journey invites us to open to guidance from the natural world while we explore meaningful questions at this pivotal time of collective awakening.

Summoned by the Earth (with Cynthia Jurs) | E44

The “great unraveling” is just as real as “the great turning.” Recent events have been deeply discouraging, even devastating.

Interviewing Cynthia Jurs with me in this conversation are Erin Geesaman Rabke and Carl Rabke, of Embodiment Matters. We talk about the devastation, our bewilderment, and how to keep going. We also talk about miracles, activism, practice, awakening, and much more.

If you’ve lost heart or felt disoriented recently, may this conversation be a balm. May some moment or two resonate in the openness of your mind and heart and prove helpful.

Listening to our Sacred Activist Summons | S3 E12

Join host Reese Brown as she sits down with Cynthia Jurs to discuss her book Summoned by the Earth and how to listen to our call to sacred activism.

EMBODIMENT MATTERS PODCAST with Carl Rabke & Erin Gessaman –
Summoned by the Earth; A Conversation with Cynthia Jurs

In this conversation, hosts, Carl Rabke & Erin Gessaman Rabke and cohost, Leilani Navar, of The Turning Season Podcast, speak with their friend and teacher, Cynthia Jurs. Cynthia’s recently published Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing our World, is a wisdom book for our times and is an extraordinary weaving of spiritual biography, riveting travel adventures, essential Dharma instructions, sacred activism, deep ecology, indigenous wisdom, and an overall beautiful story of a human being dedicating her life to liberation, and caring for this living Earth in these mythic times in which we live. The conversation moves through many terrains including working with difficult times, the balance of prayer and activism, dismantling systems of domination, keeping our fingernails dirty with the work and practices of liberation, and so much more.

Here is the link to the conversation

Ep 256 The Lama, the Oath and the Treasure Vases – with Cynthia Jurs, author of Summoned by the Earth

How do we recover our birthright as awake, aware nodes in the greater Web of Life? How do we find the compassion and courage to be the best of ourselves? Cynthia Jurs is a Buddhist who has spent the past 34 years carrying out sacred pilgrimages all around the world, burying a network of ’Treasure Vases’ to build a web of compassion and care – and more people are joining her all the time. We can all be part of this.

Banyen Books & Sound

The replay of Cynthia’s talk for the Banyen Books community is now available. In Summoned by the Earth, Cynthia Jurs embarks on a transformative journey sparked by an encounter with a Himalayan lama, who tasks her with distributing earth treasure vases to heal the planet. This odyssey takes her across the globe, connecting with diverse communities and ecosystems, from survivors of war in Liberia to indigenous elders in Australia and New Mexico. Along the way, she encounters inspiring individuals working towards solutions, culminating in a profound realization that the Earth’s heart is everywhere. Through narratives of resilience and activism, the book urges readers to recognize their role as stewards of the Earth and embrace collective awakening to address the urgent challenges we face, offering a compelling call to become “sacred activists” in service to the planet.

Ep 37 Summoned by Earth ft Honourary Lama Cynthia Jurs

Hosted and produced by multi-award winning author, artist and activist, Vanessa Ferlaino and Founder, of The Being Human Foundation, The Human Challenge combines topical issues, interviews, wellbeing, and human interest stories to break down barriers and reinvigorate humanity. Airing on YouTube, with over 16K views and just under 1K downloads across platforms, and streaming on all major podcast sites, we explore the human challenges in today’s world, the challenges of being human, and how we can challenge ourselves to be more human for the greater good. 


Joining us on the show is dharma teacher, author, and environmental activist, Cynthia Jurs. Cynthia is a teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing as well as an honorary lama in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. She is largely recognized for her work with the Earth Treasure Vase practice which has brought her all around the world to a diverse array of cultures and ecosystems. She released her first book, ‘Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel’ earlier this year which is now available wherever you order books. In this conversation, we explore the treasure vase practice as well as the reclamation of the feminine, householder practice, and collective awakening.

Dharma Talk by Cynthia Jurs, Upaya Zen Center, August 14, 2024
– Taking Refuge in Gaia & Responding to Her Summons; A Dharma Path for our Times

Please enjoy online practice and teachings from Upaya Zen Center, a Buddhist residential contemplative community in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We offer daily Zen meditation, weekly Dharma Talks, and programs on Buddhist teachings, Buddhist art, contemplative science, and social engagement. 

Zen Peacemakers: Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing Our World

Cynthia Jur discuss her new book, Summoned by the Earth, which offers a riveting account of one woman’s response to the challenges we face and is an irresistible invitation to become “sacred activists” heeding the call of the Earth.

Watch here.

What is Going Om Podcast with Sandie Sedgbeer – An Ancient Ritual and a Sacred 30-Year Quest to Heal the Earth with Cynthia Jurs;

Cynthia Jurs is interviewed by veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer for OMTimes’ flagship radio show and podcast, What Is Going OM. This was an excellent interview with Cynthia about her quest for global healing and her book, Summoned by the Earth.

What Is Going OM: Sandie Sedgebeer’s website:

Lama Live! March 24, 2024 with Special Guest Cynthia Jurs and Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, MS

Lama Tsultrim Allione’s Livestream Event called Lama Live! This is a recording of Lama Live!, offered on March 24th, 2024 with Special Guest, Cynthia Jurs, interviewed by Tara Mandala Senior Teacher, Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer. The dialogue included Cynthia sharing her personal connection to Lama Tsultrim, her environmental concerns, her motivations for carrying out the Earth Treasure Vases (which serve as activators of Gaia’s acupuncture meridians, bringing healing and stabilization, along with the immeasurable blessing power of the relics and intentions they contain), and her work with former combatants in Liberia to build peace through mindfulness. All of this revolves around the release of Cynthia’s book “Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel For Healing Our World.” The gathering concludes with Cynthia guiding a meditation to direct our prayers and intentions towards healing the Earth.

Videos, Teachings, Interviews

To Live a Life of No Regret Dharma Talk with Cynthia Jurs

On March 2, 2024, Cynthia Jurs gave this dharma talk during a Day of Mindfulness. She spoke from her experience and answered many questions about applying the Five Mindfulness Trainings in non-monastic lives. She also guided us to deeper levels of meaning, into the potential for living a life of no regret. A Day of Mindfulness is a joyful opportunity to take a meaningful break from our daily lives and enter more deeply into the practice of mindfulness.

Living from a Place of Possibility in Challenging Times

Cynthia Jurs dharma talk for the One Med group (
January 15, 2023

Meeting the Moment in these Hard Times; a dharma talk for the group, One Meditation on 6-12-22

These times of crisis provide us a powerful opportunity. We are being presented with the possibility of participating in a collective awakening—being part of a critical mass of humanity that recognizes we are not separate from each other or from the web of life. We have an opportunity to wake up and BE the change—what Buddha Shakyamuni was calling us to all along. When we find our breath in the practice of meditation, we align ourselves with the life force of Mother Earth. When we breathe with awareness, we literally feed our Spirit and the Spirit of Mother Earth. This is enough to transform everything, and bring renewal when we are suffering and afraid. We need to practice touching the wondrous, refreshing, and healing elements that are inside and around us, in order to be able to have the energy to face the difficult things in ourselves and in our world.

Earth Treasure Vase Dialogue with Joanna Macy 10-20-21

This conversation between Cynthia Jurs and Joanna Macy took place on the Full Moon of October 20, 2021 when the Gaia Mandala Community gathered for the monthly Global Healing Meditation. Joanna has been an inspiration to Cynthia since the 1980s. She stewarded an Earth Treasure Vase herself in the 1990s, and her Work That Reconnects and on Nuclear Guardianship has been a guiding influence for Cynthia in carrying out the assignment with the Earth Treasure Vases. Welcoming Joanna to our circle, we honor her for being a living treasure among us.

Earth Treasure Vase Conversation with Cynthia Lazaroff 3-18-22

Cynthia Jurs first met Cynthia Lazaroff in the early 1980s when they were both active in Track II Citizen Diplomacy efforts and travelled to the former Soviet Union together during the Cold War. Cynthia Lazaroff is now stewarding an Earth Treasure Vase for Russia to be planted in the Bering Strait. With the war in Ukraine on all of our hearts and minds, the discussion centered on the dangers of nuclear war and the need to direct our prayers for peace to Russia, Ukraine and the world. 
Cynthia Lazaroff’s life work is dedicated to ending the threat of nuclear war and facilitating positive and constructive relations between Russia and America. She is the founder of Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy and NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth. Cynthia is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker and author of Dawn of a New Armageddon, a personal account of the Hawaii missile scare published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. She currently serves on the board of the American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord.

Full Moon Conversation with Deena Metzger 2-16-22

When Cynthia Jurs began to work with the Earth Treasure Vases, she knew she needed to invite Deena Metzger into the practice as a mentor and guide. Deena suggested that the first Earth Treasure Vase for Africa should go to Liberia. 
Deena’s writing concerns itself with the interplay between the human and the natural world in hopes of restoring a pathway for a viable future for all beings. Please see her, “19 Ways to the 5th World.”

Evolutionary Sacred Activism ~ a talk by Cynthia Jurs for the Global Mystics Certification Program with Andrew Harvey and Mirabai Starr

Cynthia Jurs gave this teaching when she served as guest faculty for the Shift Network’s year-long immersion on Global Mysticism. After being warmly welcomed and acknowledged by the program’s primary teachers, Andrew Harvey and Mirabai Starr, Cynthia spoke to the need to form a personal connection with Mother Earth, weaving the threads of sacred activism and evolutionary mysticism into a new living dharma for our times with Gaia as our greatest teacher and collective source of refuge. 

For the Love of Gaia; Becoming a Holy Vessel in Service to Her

Cynthia Jurs shares her love affair with the Earth, and the story of how she met the “old wise man in the cave” and asked him her most burning question. She tells of the assignment she was given, where it has taken her, and what it has demanded. She’ll also speak to a new practice of Tara Gaia that’s been catalyzed in her, which she is now transmitting to all who are hearing the call.

Note: This interview is part of the Mystics Summit, a free online event where you can reconnect with Divine love in the midst of complexity and turmoil. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.

Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview with Cynthia Jurs, March 2020

Climate Crisis, Grief and Interbeing

A panel discussion with Charles Eisenstein, Thomas Hubl, Bayo Akomolafe and Cynthia Jurs facilitated by Zaya Bennazzo at the Science and Nonduality Conference 2019

Mirabai Starr Interview with Cynthia Jurs for the Shift Network

For her course on Wild Goddesses and Mystics of Mercy, Mirabai Starr interviewed Cynthia Jurs on her relationship with Gaia and the practice of the Earth Treasure Vases.

Inner Peace To World Peace Film by Uplift

Inner Peace to World Peace a film by Uplift

Can we really create peace in the world? Interviewing leading experts (including Cynthia Jurs) and scientific researchers, we learn how our inner peace is directly related to peace in the wider world.

Introducing Tara Gaia

An hour-long conversation between Cynthia Jurs and David to introduce the practice of Tara Gaia. Includes discussion of how the adaptation from a practice of Tara to one of Gaia evolved, at this time when we are all being called to wake up in relation to Mother Earth, this practice can serve as a profound spiritual support, and features an introduction to methods of practicing in the Vajrayana tradition using visualization and mantra recitation with a brief teaching on the Gaia Mantra with a recitation.

Cynthia Jurs Interview; Earth Treasure Vases, Peacebuilding in Liberia, Sacred Activism, Being Peace & Collective Awakening

Sacred Activism for the Great Turning; Science and Nonduality Conference 2019

Opening night talk of the SAND Conference by Cynthia Jurs

Gaia Calling

A short video for the 7-week course, Gaia Calling; Becoming a Vessel for Global Healing & Collective Awakening. April 2020.

Loving Gaia; Interview with Cynthia Jurs & Clare Dubois

Cynthia Jurs, whose mission includes the spreading and burying of Treasure Vases as gifts for Gaia’s healing, and Clare Dubois, founder of TreeSisters offer their life experience as a gateway into the imagining and dreaming of more feminine potential in this world. This conversation touches on their own journeys of finding courage, dealing with the unknown, feeling intimately connected to Gaia, stepping through fear and working with the limitations of the body. January 2020

Summoned by the Earth; a conversation between Cynthia Jurs & Chameli Ardagh

Chameli Ardagh, founder of the Awakening Women Institute, spoke to Cynthia Jurs as part of the 21-day Sadhana; Becoming Gaia’s Oracle, April 2020.

Turning Prayer into Action

Turning Prayer Into Action

This documentary, narrated by Jane Fonda, was produced by Cynthia Jurs and Kim Spencer, and broadcast on Link TV. While the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers were in Dharamsala they met virtually with young people at the Bioneers Conference for dialogues across time, space, and cultures to move us all to heal our relations, heal ourselves, and heal our planet, bringing together the hope of youth and the experience of elders in a call to prayer and action. For more information:

Short Stories from Earth Treasure Vase Locations

Nepal Earth Treasure Vase Pilgrimage: Coming Home to Gaia

This short film by Katie Teague is a stunning vignette of a holy expedition. A celebration of the momentous event in the Spring of 2018, when Cynthia Jurs, founder of the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project, journeyed back to the Himalayas, to the cave hermitage of Kushok Mangden, Charok Rinpoche, who imparted the practice of the Earth Treasure Vases to Cynthia in 1990. Led there by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim Rinpoche thirty years ago, and now in this homecoming pilgrimage, Cynthia was accompanied by a small group of intrepid pilgrims, to bring back the practice, along with stories of its evolution across the decades, to Ani Pema Chodron, Rinpoche’s eldest daughter. A profound fulfillment shining forth through the ceremonial planting of an Earth Treasure Vase here, in the pure land from where the practice arose, and sending out across the growing mandala of sacred vessels, the powerful energies of these mother mountains and of the source of the unbroken lineage.

Vessels of the Holy; Interview with Joanna Macy

Eco-philosopher Joanna Macy talks about the legacy of nuclear weapons and the need for Nuclear Guardianship and her experience of working with an Earth Treasure Vase.

Liberia Earth Treasure Vase

The first vase for Africa was buried in Liberia, Africa on the winter solstice 2009 in collaboration with the peace-building organization, everyday gandhis and local traditional elders, officials, women, youth and visiting dignitaries.

Life is Returning; Liberia 2011

After taking an Earth Treasure Vase to Liberia, the process of peace building continued with the dedication of a traditional Peace Hut in the village where the vase was buried.

Alaska Earth Treasure Vase Pilgrimage

The Earth Treasure Vase for Alaska was buried in collaboration with native Gwich’in leader and activist, Evon Peter, his family and a small group of participants from around the world. This vase held the intention to protect the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, the native people and animals from oil and other natural resource extraction, and global warming due to big industry.

Papua New Guinea Earth Treasure Vase

This Earth Treasure Vase was dedicated to protecting the Southern Pacific Ocean. The underwater “burial” ceremony was done in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea in collaboration with the native people of Isala and members of the Biosphere Foundation.

South Africa Earth Treasure Vase

An Earth Treasure Vase was buried at the base of the Nilotic Meridian in South Africa above the Blyde River Canyon after taking it to receive the prayers of the Kalahari San People. We also invited the blessings of all the great African animals including the prophesied White Lions of Timbavati.

Gabarnmang Earth Treasure Vase

The first of the second generation of Earth Treasure Vases was buried at a 50,000-year-old rock shelter covered in paintings in remote Arnhem Land in 2015 at the invitation of custodial elder, Aunty Margaret Katherine Oenpelli.

Women Witness Congo

When an Earth Treasure Vase was taken to Congo, Women Witness Congo began as a digital storytelling project dedicated to connecting the global community with the women of Congo, their rising leadership and their compelling visions for change.

Earth Treasure Vase Full Moon Global Healing Meditation Practice

Monday Mindfulness Meditation Dharma Talks

3/15/21: Foundations Of Bodhicitta

In this week’s MMM, Cynthia speaks to bodhicitta, our wish to cultivate understanding into order to bring happiness to all beings. Each of us has Buddha nature. Each of us has wisdom to offer. We ask ourselves what is our motivation? Are we really aware of where we are coming from? The main point of our practice is to transform the attachment to our sense of self, and to wake up to that selfless nature of all that is. We practice in such a way to break through deep habitual patterns of identifying with a sense of self as being the very center of everything. We see how important it is to care for each other. And so, our practices can facilitate the experience of interbeing. Turning around our orientation from self to other, arousing our great love for the world, we can take the vow of the Bodhisattva to awaken for the benefit of all beings. 

3/29/21: The Fruits Of Practice

In this week’s Monday Mindfulness Meditation, Liza Jane Alexander, a dedicated practitioner, musician and sangha member from Eastern Tennessee, was guest facilitator for Cynthia Jurs. Liza spoke eloquently about how we can become gardeners, composting the seeds of our hatred, discrimination, despair and anger into beautiful flowers, to help the energy of happiness and peace grow in ourselves and in the world. She illuminated how our mind consciousness is like a storehouse that contains all kind of seeds and yet like a garden, it cannot cultivate itself. We need to water and tend the seeds of understanding, love, peace and liberation so they grow into fruit that supports life. The practice of mindfulness is not to get rid of afflictions, but to accept them and touch them with our insight, which brings transformation. Liza brought out her guitar and skillfully interspersed her talk with wonderful songs from Thich Nhat Hanh’s tradition to open our hearts.

4/12/21: A Call To Collective Awakening

During this week’s Monday Mindfulness Meditation, Cynthia speaks to the intention for collective awakening, inspired by her teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, and his remark in 1993 that the next Buddha may take the form of a sangha, a community practicing loving kindness. Especially during this challenging moment, there is an opportunity to awaken our innate caring and compassion that is in each of us, and to strengthen the ground of our practice, so we can contribute to the awakening in our own lives, and to the awakening of the critical mass of humanity. It is an incredible evolutionary moment in which to slow down and deepen our faith and love. Cynthia shares a passage from Eddie S. Glaude Jr. book, “Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own” reminding us that there is no awakening without love. This love, becomes the basis for genuine democratic community where we can all flourish if we so choose.

2/07/22: Remembering Thich Nhat Hanh

This talk was offered by Cynthia Jurs, a Dharmacharya in the lineage of Thich Nhat Hanh, as a way to honor her teacher of 37 years and come to terms with his passing. Cynthia, whose dharma name is True Source, shares her own history with Thay, special moments that have formed the basis of much of her life, and teachings that influenced her deeply. She also includes a number of quotes and poems of Thich Nhat Hanh’s and celebrates his love for Mother Earth. 

2/21/21: Introduction to The Heart Sutra

In this talk, Cynthia Jurs speaks about how in the weeks after Thich Nhat Hahh’s passing, she is reminded of how he used to say it is a “radical act to stop”. In response to this call to stop and appreciate all he gave us, Cynthia shares that she and her dharma sister in Thay’s lineage, Wendy Johnson, will offer 2 weeks of teachings on The Heart Sutra on March 7 & 14 to bookend the final ceremonies for the 49th day after Thay’s passing on March 11th, when his ashes will be spread. There are many translations of the Heart Sutra, including two from Thay—his 2nd translation was completed just two months before his stroke in 2014—we will explore these together. In today’s talk Cynthia read an excerpt from “The Heart of Understanding” as a warm up for these next 2 sessions. She also chanted the Heart Sutra with the drum the way she originally learned it from Korean Zen Master Soen Sa Nim.

Note: Apologies that the drum’s audio sounds so bad on the recording, and there was a pause in the drumbeat for Cynthia to scroll thru to complete the reading of the sutra.

3/07/22: The Evolution of the Heart Sutra in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Tradition, Part One

with Sensei Wendy Johnson and Dharmacharya Cynthia Jurs

This is the 1st week of a teaching on the Heart Sutra, first translated by Thich Nhat Hanh in 1988. The session opens with an introduction by Cynthia Jurs, followed by Cynthia and Wendy chanting that early version of the Heart Sutra, and going into a wonderful dharma talk by Wendy Johnson who speaks to the history of the Heart Sutra, recounting many engaging stories from her experience with Thay, and sharing some key points in understanding this Sutra. The session ends with a recording of the current version of the Heart Sutra sung by a monk in Plum Village.

The complete archive of Cynthia’s Dharma Talks can be found in our Media Archive

Click here:

All our videos are also available on the Gaia Mandala/Earth Treasure Vase YouTube Channel.

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